Archive | September, 2013

Flickering fingers

29 Sep

now this is pretty cool. the other day the fingers on my left hand started flickering and continue doing so pretty much all day. I haven’t seen anything quite like it since then, but you never know what might happen next.


Kicking it

28 Sep


some of you may have seen previous video clips I have posted of me riding my FES bike. It’s hard to tell whether the machine is doing the work, or whether it is my legs that are pushing the pedals. In the attached video clip in this post, I demonstrate the power of functional electrical stimulation to move my legs. when I run a current of just over 40 milliamps through the electrode pads on my quadriceps, my leg raises and straightens fairly convincingly. When my legs are on the pedals during a work out, I am stimulating with 125 milliamps, so the kicking motion is much stronger and more powerful than what you see in the above video clip. Of course, while pedaling I also have electrodes on my hamstrings, so my legs are both pushing and pulling with each revolution. This is how I get good exercise!



Benefits of FES

18 Sep

Benefits of FES

A good article on functional electrical stimulation, and why people with limited mobility should be using it. I am very happy to have the opportunity to use this technology.


cross country

6 Sep

flying cross-country in a hang glider, except on a rock face. I once had a chance to climb a multi-pitch route with no fixed anchors and no protection, and it sure was liberating.



6 Sep

 It’s good to have friends


Sierra Safari

2 Sep

 An excellent piece on why we fly. Hike and fly was what I was doing when I was injured.


Cirque Pk.

2 Sep

 spectacular panorama taken by my nephew Nigel