Archive | May, 2013


21 May

Need any help deciding to get the most out of life while you can? Take a look at 1 young man’s story.

Posted from WordPress for Android



19 May


 Does this look like fun or what?

Suck it up, sailor

19 May

I’ve been working on strengthening my arms, but what about other body parts kama like my lungs? Recently I discovered and purchased a device called the Power Breathe

this device provides resistance when you breathe in. Over the period of a month, those breathing muscles should get stronger. Because of the level of my injury, I have some impairment in innervation or even lack of some of the breathing muscles. It will be an interesting experiment to see how much progress I can make.

Right now my lung capacity is about 2.2 liters. What’s yours?

Posted from WordPress for Android

Adventure for all

19 May

Recently I watched the trailer for an Australian movie titled the ride call meh about a group of paraplegics set aside across the country. The Website for the movie has more information on the project.

Or you can Watch the movie on YouTube.

After watching the trailer, I had a bit of a revelation: adventure is available to anyone no matter her level of ability or disability. Just pick something a little beyond your  current capabilities, plan and prepare, then go for it.!

What adventure do you have planned for this year?h

Posted from WordPress for Android

Just the facts

18 May

Canadian facts about SCI the Rick Hansen foundation.

What makes us happy?

17 May

A series of speakers at the TED conference have examined the nature of happiness. Dan Gilbert, the first speaker in the selection of talks listed below, discovered a surprising fact: people who have won the lottery, and people who suffered a paraplegic spinal cord injury, are equally happy six months after the event!

TED: what makes us happy?

Wheels up

15 May

Perhaps one day I will be able to fly again.

Why walk when you can fly

15 May

Here is a fascinating film about Nathan, a British man with cerebral palsy that learns how to fly. I learned a lot about the condition by watching this video.

Nathan: why walk when you can fly?

Dental floss

13 May

Here’s another one of those small things that make a big difference. Yesterday, I flossed my teeth for the first time in 18 months. I did it with a help of a floss holding tool that Julie Muller bought for me. Finally I can floss my teeth exactly the way I want to, and not miss any spots.

New peak

12 May

I was surprised and delighted to hit a new peak power output today on my FES bike: 27 watts. I have set up a new type of interval training session, where I go for power instead of endurance, and it seems to be yielding good results. A pleasant way to start the weekend!