Archive | January, 2013

Riding the hand cycle

31 Jan

Riding the hand cycle at the University of Calgary last night. My coach Stephen Burke is riding the bike on the left in the background, while 2 other participants are riding on the right. I managed to ride for an hour, and it was really hard work just to keep the pedals moving.


Video about my accident

29 Jan

Here’s a video that was made by a local film maker about my accident and recovery process. if you cannot see the video or play it, please click on the link below .


First real hand cycling session

25 Jan

I had my first real hand cycling session last evening. I rode for an hour, and went 2.3 kilometers. I am happy to have the assistance of a Canadian cycle team coach. If all goes well, I will be doing this two evenings a week.


Move those muscles!

23 Jan

Here is an article describing support from the medical community for my use of an FES bike. No diabetes for me!

Move those muscles!



20 Jan

Fascinating, as Mr. Spock used to say. I am generally unable to move my legs in any way. However after an hour on my electrical stimulation bike, with the current causing my legs to pedal the bike, the stimulation comes to an end and I enter a cool down phase. The last few rides, I have waited for the speed to stabilize, and then I try as hard as I can to mash the pedals. In this video, you can see that I manage to speed up the pedals, and half way through the video, you will notice that my power output claims firstly to 1.3 watts, and then to 2.0 watts. What does this mean? I’m not sure exactly, but it gives me incentive to keep riding.!



20 Jan

Practicing kayak-style rowing. It is really hard to lift my left forearm, but I’m doing much better than even couple of months ago.



20 Jan

Doing a superset of military presses and lat pulldowns. Most of the muscles needed for this exercise have only weak innervation, as the main innervation is below the level of my injury.


Sitting practice

12 Jan

Sitting practice this afternoon. With little or no abdominal muscles or erector spinae, this is actually quite difficult to do. On the other hand, this gives me a huge sense of accomplishment when I am able to stay sitting up for 5 or 10 minutes.


Christopher Reeve

8 Jan

Christopher Reeve riding my girlfriend Julie’s horse at a jumping competition in Millarville, Alberta around 1993. He has inspired me to keep pushing forward.

New year

5 Jan

I am happy to enter the new year, and put behind me the pain and discomfort I experienced throughout much of December.

this week I started back at the gym after a 2 week break, and am surprised to find that my endurance in the standing frame has not suffered, nor my ability to push the arm levers on the Nu step machine.

a good start to a new year!